Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us with Questions

Q: Can I start a duel for myself like on gofundme?

A: Not at this time, unfortunately. Duels can only be set up for 501(c)(3) charities or political campaigns.

Q: Is my payment tax deductible?

A: Generally, payments to charities are, but we advise checking with a tax professional.

Q: Who can I challenge to a duel?

A: Anyone you'd like, family, co-workers, friends, enemies, anyone you can think of.

Q: How much of my donation goes to the charity?

A: In addition to the payment processing fees, DonorDuel deducts 2.9% of the donation to cover administrative & platform costs, and promoter incentives. That means approximately 94¢ out of every dollar goes directly to the charity.

Q: How long does it take for my payment to show?

A: It will show instantly if you hit "return to donorduel" when on paypal. If not, then the "Amount Raised" balance will be reconciled daily at 12 a.m. EST.

Q: Can I include a message to my payment?

A: Yes. Prior to completing your payment on PayPal® you will be given the option to include a note.

Q: What is the maximum I can donate to a political campaign?

A: By rule of thumb, an individual can contribute upto $2700 ($5400 for a married couple) to a Federal campaign. There are also limits for state and local elections which you can see in detail here.

Q: What if I don't see my candidate?

A: You can email us with the candidate's name, State, and office running for. We will do our best to get a duel set up for that race.

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